Saturday, November 28, 2015

淡水站一日游 One Day Trip At Tamsui (1)

很多人都知道淡水这个地方. 但大家有没有听过八呢?*哈哈* 所以我今天要介绍这两个地方~ 不错玩,可以玩整天  (我放了两个季节的照片, 不要觉得奇怪, 因为要整理下 Blog, 所以就把他们放一起)!当然,来到淡水可以搭地铁到达~ 但如果想到渔人码头, 要在捷运站前转接駁公车红26到淡水渔人码头.
Many people go Taiwan travel will know where is Tamsui (also know as Danshui), but do you know where is Bali in Taiwan (Not in Indonesia). So, Today I want to introduce this two place (Danshui and Bali ), because you can play whole day by just visiting this two place! (Please ignore my picture different weather, because go too many time and want to compile into one post only). If you want to go Danshui, it's very to reach, you can sit metro to Danshui Metro Station but if you want to go to Dan shui Lover's Bridge, you need to change bus No 26 to Dan shui Lover's Bridge from Danshui Metro Station.
Danshui Metro Station

就这样我搭着巴士来到淡水渔人码头. 这里风景不错. 建议冬天的时候来,因为不会那么晒~渔人码头附近有间酒店满漂亮的.
So, my first destination is Dan shui Lover's Bridge. You can see sea along the way to Dan shui Lover's Bridge. (Recommended come on winter time, not so hot.) Beside the Lover's Bridge there is also a hotel quite nice call Fullon Hotel Danshuei Fishermen's Wharf.

Dan shui Lover's Bridge bus stop~
At Lover Bridge but no Lover....

这就是附近的酒店~ (风太大了!!)
This is the Hotel I say beside the bridge (Wind tooo strong already!)

第二个景点 - 淡水红毛城,还是可以搭 可以到接駁公车红26, 不过这次是搭回程 (一上车,记得与司机说要到的目的地) ~ 到了后,司机会叫您下车. 要看到红毛城,要走一小段的上山路 (就一下下罢了).  入场免费哦~~ 从这里开始,我不再搭巴士了, 我一路用我的 "11号"
2nd place you can go to the Fort San Domingo, it's a historical place where you can go in for free for history study. *lolx*. You can take Bus No 26 again (but this time back way) to Fort San Domingo. When you reach here, you need to climb up abit of small mountain to reach. This is the place I start my walking mode. You can just walk back to Danshui Metro station from here.

Fort San Domingo Entry

You can go in for some historical story.

隔壁还有~ (有发现我吗??)
Beside still got another one. (Do you see me?)

Here have many nice place.
When you walk straight, you can walk pass the Aletheia University.

Came out from Aletheia University door
大家知道 《不能说的秘密》吗?? 就这样在红毛城到真理大学一路上都很多景点,所以一路上都用走的~~然后意外发现 淡江中学!! 进去参观了,还在这里吃顿午餐~ 发现与我国的中学相比.... 差好多! 连食物都彻底比下去啦!!
Next place is Tamkang High School. Do you see <Secret> this movie? If you got see, then you will know this high school, because they act in here. You can go in for visit during working hours. I also have a lunch here feel their high school living standard is higher than our country. The food there also quite good. 

The school door
The restaurant here

Got feel? Want to have some music? *lolx*
虽然中间有点小迷路~但风景不错,所以觉得迷路是值得的!走下走下来到了小白宫~ 看到有对人在这里拍婚纱照~ 我也不例外,不过我是拍写真照! *哈哈*
Although got a bit loss in here, but the view at here made me feel it's worth. If you go straight again, you will find the Tamsui Customs Officer`s Residence. This place is popular for couple photo shooting. I also have my own style photo shooting which is go messy up the couple.*hehe*

Loss already, but quite relax

Tamsui Customs Officer`s Residence
在淡水,阿给是很出名的~所以到小白宫附近的阿给店吃阿给, 不过这里很多阿给店都说自己是正宗的.....所以只好随便进一间吃. 在这里玩,一路上就是直走罢了~ 很快就会看到老街! 不过是吃货的我,当然也不会放过没吃过的路边小吃!
In Dan Shui, you must try "A gei" is a kind of food which very popular at Dan shui. This "A gei" outer part is using taofu skin, while the inner part is glass noodle (Very special!). Tamsui Customs Officer`s Residence nearby have many "A gei" shop, but I dunoo which one is the popular want. So I simply go in just for having it. 
很特别~外面是豆腐皮,里面是冬粉. 不错吃下
The look is like that
Walk along the road side to Dan Shui Old Street.
又看到一个....正宗阿给 , 这次还叫了鱼丸
Along the road, saw this shop and call some fish ball eat.

The fish ball is fresh and delicious.
You also can see his old man.
Have some bread.
一边走一边吃, 很快又到了另一个景点~ 淡水礼拜堂, 滬尾偕医馆 就在淡水礼拜堂旁边罢了!
I like to eat while walking because like that can make my journey more interesting and happy. Very fast I reach another destination which is Tamsui Church. Dr.Mackay's Clinic is also located nearby it. This Dr.Mackay's Clinic is the 1st western clinic in Taiwan. You can go in to have a look.

Tamsui Church
滬尾偕医馆, 看些历史罢了
Dr.Mackay's Clinic a very historical place.
再直走,就会看到 阿婆铁蛋~ 买了几包 (不大喜欢铁蛋的味道). 还在这里买了冰淇淋与酸梅汤. 然后准备坐船过海到对面的八厘玩
Walk straight again, you will see "Ah Po Tie Dan" shop which selling Iron Egg. Buy a few pack but dont like the taste of iron egg. In here not only "A gei " popular, Ice and sour soup also very nice! After trying all the food in DanShui, then I need to cross the sea to Bali.

"Ah Po Tie Dan"
The pier
Tall Ice Cream~ (Taste a bit hard)
一个手一样~ (我就是吃货!)
One hand One food~
Ferry come already, is time to another place to have another kind of experience.
Front Part Map

RATE = 10/10


漁人碼頭 〉淡水紅毛城 〉真理大学  淡江中学  淡水小白宮 〉滬尾偕醫 館 〉淡水礼拜堂 〉淡水老街 〉八里 

更多详情 For more information

1) 漁人碼頭 Dan Shui Lover's Bridge
Address 地址 : 新北市淡水區沙崙里第2漁港
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間: 24 hr
Transport 交通: 搭乘捷運至淡水站, 搭乘接駁公車紅26 / 836 標示(經漁人碼頭)
Sit Metro to Tamsui Metro Station, then change bus No 26 to Dan shui Lover's Bridge.

2) 淡水紅毛城 Fort San Domingo
Address 地址 : 臺北縣淡水鎮中正路28巷1號
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間: (每月第一個週一休館) 週一至週日, 9:30 ~ 22:00 (室內展場開 放至下午6時). 1st week of monday of the money rest, Other day 9.30 am - 10pm (Indoor open till 6pm only.)
Transport 交通 : 搭乘捷運至淡水站搭乘接駁公車紅26
Sit bus no 26 to Fort San Domingo

3) 真理大学 Aletheia University
Address 地址 : 新北市淡水區真理街32號
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間:  Working Hour
Transport  交通: 紅毛城站步行約3分鐘可達。
Walk from Fort San Domingo (3 min)

3) 淡江中学 Tamkang High School
Address 地址 : 新北市淡水區真理街26號
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間: Working Hour
Transport交通 : 真理大学步行約5分鐘可達。
Walk from Aletheia University(5 min)

3) 淡水小白宮 Tamsui Customs Officer`s Residence
Address 地址 : 台北縣淡水鎮真理街15號
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間: 9:30 ~ 18:00
Transport 交通: 淡江中学步行約5分鐘可達。
Walk from Tamkang High School(5 min)

4) 滬尾偕醫館 Dr.Mackay's Clinic
Address 地址 : 新北市淡水區馬偕街6號
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間: 週六~週日:14:00~18:00

5) 淡水礼拜堂 Tamsui Church
Address 地址 : 新北市淡水區馬偕街8號
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間: 24hr

6) 淡水老街 Tamsui Old Street
Address 地址 : 新北市淡水區中正路、重建街、清水
Entrance Fee 門票: Free
Operation Time 開放時間:  09:00-22:00

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