Monday, May 3, 2021

Pulo Cinta 庆祝生日 Celebrate Birthday at Pulo Cinta

一听 Pulo Cinta 就觉得这个地方很浪漫, 但我带着朋友 (两条水) 到浪漫的地方庆生 *意不意外,惊不惊喜?* 从马来西亚要到这个地方有够麻烦, 有够屁股痛!

When you hear pulo cinta what will you think? for me is like a romantic place because the name has "cinta". I bring my friend (two people) go to this pulo cinta to celebrate her birthday. This small small small island is located at Indonesia and if go from Malaysia, the time taken is far way long.

3 day 2 night become 1 day trip... All the time waste on transport.

不过一到了那,你就会觉得一切都值得. 所以看了我的行程表, 第一天搭 Airasia 从 KL 到 Jakarta. 然后在机场等了大概四小时的转机。 我买了Lion Air 从 Jakarta 到 Tolotio Airport. 但还好有时间, 所以问了下 counter 才知道要搭 Batik Air。这趟飞行就要了我5个小时, 中间还有放人上下飞机 。下了飞机就有Pulo Cinta 的人, 拿着我大大的名字,等我的机。他们安顿好我们两后,就开了两个小时的车到码头 (这两个小时的车程都在跳)。 然后搭船 (25min) 到目的地。 一天就用光光啦! 所以我建议要到这里玩5天4夜. 
This place worth to come and pay for a visit. Recommend 5 day 4 night. Wont so rush like us. As you can see from the picture, we take airaisa from KL to Jakarta then change flight from jakarta to Tolotio airport. After reach Tolotio airport, the worker from Pulo cinta will fetch you to the port (2 hour ride). Last only take the speed boat from the port to destination.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Treasure Bay Bintan(Chill Cove) 一日游 A Short Trip To Treasure Bay Bintan (Chill Cove)

Treasure Bay Bintan 拥有东南亚最大的人造海水湖, 它的水清澈湛蓝。适合一家大小,情侣与朋友一起去。
Treasure Bay Bintan has the first South east asia's first man made seawater lagoon with 6.3 hectares. The water here is crystal clear with light blue color. *It's so nice*. Suitable for family, friend and couple. 

有没有很蓝 ? Look blue?