Saturday, December 27, 2014

很有人情味的华欣 Hua Hin 4 day 3 night

从龟岛到华欣需 6-7 个小时的交通. 3 个小时 从 龟岛座船到 Champon 码头, 在换巴士到华欣 (约3 小时). 票可以在 龟岛上的艘票处购买~ 价钱在 1000 Bath,
From Koh Tao - Champon - Hua hin need to sit ferry (Lomprayah) from Koh Tao to Champon , then change bus to Hua Hin. This kind of travel normally need to waste quite long time~ around 6-7 hours.
三个小时的船程终于到了 Champon 码头~
Finally reach Champon Pier~
三号巴士到华欣,座船到了 Champon 可到那里的换票处换巴士票
No 3 Bus to Hua Hin

On the way to Hua Hin
**小小声跟你说这里有 WIFI~ 不知道密码会不会换
** WIFI Available here

来到华欣也已经 傍晚了~ 不过巴士会把我们停在 Hua Hin Colonnade Mall, 第一次来到这里什么都不知道~ 当然这里问问那里问问 (其实泰国人很多都不会英文,所以只好用我最擅长的 Body Language 来沟通) 最后到达我的宿舍~ 从 Hua Hin Colonnade Mall 到 Tid Tarad Hostel 需走 10 min 的路程~ 路途中也到 Tourist Information Center 问路,问交通~ (一直直走到红青灯在左转,你会看到警察局, 就在警察局旁边)
The bus will stop you at Hua Hin Colonnade Mall, then just walk straight to the traffic light and turn left to Tid Tode Hostel , beside have a polis station. This hostel is not bad, the person in charge also very good and nice, He know many information and can speak English and Chinese very well. 

这里就是 Hua Hin Colonnade Mall, 里面没有东西的....
Here is where the bus stop us.

巴士放我们在Hua Hin Colonnade Mall 下车, 直直走然后看到红青灯转左就可看到了~The bus stop us at Hua Hin Colonnade Mall, so just walk straight and turn left when you saw the traffic light, then you can see Tid Tarad Hostel on your right hand side.

用不一样的语言也能到达目的地~ *不错*
Finally reach here~
The Price Rate
房间很干净 还有冷气,厕所也干净~ 不错! 我喜欢!
This place is very clean, I like here!
安顿好一切后, 当然是到这里最出名的夜市 Hua Hin Night Market !这里一路上有许多海鲜店,我不管3721, 随便看到哪一间多人的就进去~  这间 Seafood Hua Hin Restaurant 的海鲜很新鲜 又大只. Tom Yam 汤更是没话说, 够酸够辣,料又多!价钱也不贵,叫了这么多也才 800 Bath.
After that, I go the the night market to hunt for sea food. There are many seafood reastaurant beside the street. So, I simple walk into one of the restaurant call Seafood Hua Hin Restaurant. The food here is cheap and taste good~ I call 4 dishes only cost me 800 Bath.

Seafood Hua Hin Restaurant *Got Wifi*
在 SeaFood Hua Hin Restaurant 叫的海鲜餐有啦啦,虾,干贝 和Tomyam 等.
Shrimp, Lala, Tom Yam and scallop only cost me 800 bath!
这夜市也能通往Chatsila 夜市, 一条有艺术气息的夜市~ 很多自己手工做的首饰,衣服等. 买的东西也不贵,  是不错购物的地方. 不仅如此, 这里还有免费展览厅让你进去看看, 有很多古老的东西,像是收音机, 电视机, Sofa, 等, 还有海滩设计的房间~
After Finished my dinner, there is also a night market. You can go and walk around and hunt some "thing" with cheap price if you dare to bargain. While hunting my "thing" suddenly walk into a small street and saw a path way to Chatsila Night Market. Here is mostly sell some homemade or art's thing. Besides, here also have a show room for you to visit for free.

Chatsila Night Market (Only open at night)
从展览厅拍下来的  Chatsila Night Market
The view of the Chatsila Night Market from Art Show Room.
Another corner, and you can see they sell the that only 50 Bath.
Show room 
What you can see is all old Tv, Old radio, beach decoration......
第二天一早起来~ 就到早市找吃~ 里面有和多好吃的食物, 我看到了垂涎三尺.
The next day, walk up in the morning to hunt for my breakfast. Traveller say, if reach a new place, you must find their food to eat. So, i go to their morning market and look around see got what special food to eat.
Start my aunty mood~
This is the fish and meat market
早上的 Chatsila ~ 很清静!
This is chatsila night market, but in the morning is soooo quite.
The Art painting.
最后选了这个当早餐~ 10 Bath 还蛮饱的!
Kannom Krok it a traditional sweet breakfast dessert.  10 pieces only 10 bath. The taste is nice too~
吃饱后, 当然是开始我的行程。 如果你想去 Santorini ParkMaruekhathaiyawan Palace Swiss Sheep FarmVenezia 等都可以搭 420 橙色无空调巴士. 如何找到这巴士呢?  你们可以到 Hua Hin Soi 68 (Esso 添油站对面)就能看到几辆橙色巴士停在哪里. 方便有便宜, 不过时间要拿捏到很好~ 不然有可能要搭 德士回去~ 因为巴士营业时间只到 4pm 点多.
After breakfast, they start my day in Hua Hin with finding the public transport "Orange Bus". How to find "Orange Bus" ? It is located at Hua Hin Soi 68 (opposite Esso petrol station). You can see few Bus stop at there and its color is like my shirt color. This bus can go Santorini Park, Maruekhathaiyawan Palace , Swiss Sheep Farm, Venezia  and more. It also can go to the XXL Kitchen Hua Hin (Giant Burger), but unfortunately, we cant make it there because it's too late.

From my hostel to the bus stop
和巴士司机问路~*他还没开工~ 我是第一位客人,所以就问东问西*
One girl show with the bus driver, asking weather they got go all the place I want to go

This is the color of the bus

No air cond bus. The bus rate is depend on the place you are going (20 - 40 Bath)
PS: 泰国人实在是好好~ 在 Maruekhathaiyawan Palace 有保安能帮你叫车, 还有Santorini Park 旁的 7-11 的员工也很好, 因为我在  Santorini Park 等不到橙色巴士回宿舍, 他们就好心骑摩多载我到附近的巴士站等巴士 (也刚好巴士刚到, 是橙色的哦!). 这里真的值得我再回来!!

晚上搭德士从威尼斯回来,车费本来200 Bath让我这个半桶水的杀价新手杀到 100 Bath, 回到我的宿舍. 冲个凉后,又来到也是找吃. 这次吃的是鲁肉饭和鸡饭,因为这几天经过这间小贩,被他的猪肉吸引! 所以来这里尝试下~ 不过意外的好吃!
At night after sit Taxi come back from venezia (Taxi rate :100 bath), the go to night market again hunt for Pork rice! *Yummy* Because the pork rice have attracted me since when I pass by it! Love the pork rice here!

鲁肉饭! 好吃,肉够滑,够顺口!
Pork Rice~*Yummyyyy*
这里的鸡饭, 味道跟马来西亚不一样~
Chicken Rice ... ok only.
经过昨天一整天满满的“拍摄行程”, 第三天就来个不一样的行程~ 还是一样,一早起来到巴刹找吃! 这次找来街边小吃~ 人家说来到别的国家, 要体验/尝试那里的食物. 所以就随便找了间面店吃面~ 不错吃! 不过我发现这里不管是哪间店, 桌上一定会有4 种不同的调味料~我每个都尝试以小点~ *呵呵*
Third day in Hua Hin, go to morning market to hunt some breakfast. My breakfast of the day is mee soup~ The mee very Q~ very delicious and I found in Thailand, there must have 4 kind of seasoning on the table, you can try it one by one and the taste of your food will change with different seasoning. I try all 4 with little bit seasoning only.*HEHE*

这里的食物都好便宜~ 才 25 Bath~
Taste like mee soup, 25 bath only.
吃饱后就去找 Taxi 司机载我们到 Floating MarketMaeklong Railway Market. 这两个地方有点远, 所以不能乘搭巴士了~所以到每个小巷找Taxi 司机讨价还价, 终于从2000 Bath 减到 1200 Bath (不同的德士司机),两个小时车程.
After fill my stomach with delicious Thailand food, then need to go find taxi to fetch me to  Floating Market and  Floating Market . This two place got a bit far from Hua Hin, so the taxi rate also quite high. But I need to train my bargain skill,  so need to try for all taxi driver. and finally I bargain from 2000 Bath to 1200 Bath and the time travel to this two place need 2 hour.

PS: 在讨价还价的当儿,又为好心的 IPOH人来看热闹(他住泰国很久了),他有说那个价钱在1000 Bath - 1300 Bath. 所以我就尽我所能得砍他们! 还好有砍他们,不然就他们砍我!

晚上回来,还是到 Hua Hin Market 最后的冲刺!但由于有走远一点~发现了不一样的美食!从夜市直走就会看到很多人在外吃泰国火锅~不过要早哦! 泰国火锅叫 Jim Jum 很好吃哦! 我那时是 8.00pm 这样到, 他们的火锅已经没有菜了, 所以问我们蘑菇可以吗~ 当然可以, 因为我只是想要尝试他们当地的食物罢了! 他们9.00pm 准时关门.... 那些还没吃完的朋友们,还可以慢慢吃, 因为你“大赛”, 就是在说我! 不过这个 Jim Jum 的汤头超好喝的! 肉也满Q. 可以看到有两座的朋友,一个人吃(有男有女), 所以 这个Jim Jum 一个人也能吃完!
At night, I still come to Hua Hin Market for the last shopping, but this time, I walk to opposite area to see what interesting.  And I found a shop which I saw there have many claypot  on the table. So I find a place to sit and order the same thing which people order. When I order, they say already dont have vegetable, they replace the vegetable with mushroom. So I say ok, because I just want to have some try. This food taste incredible NICE!!!! The meat is very soft, the soap very delicious. BUT NEED COME EARLY, BECAUSE THEY CLOSE AT 9 pm. This Food is call Jim Jum a Thailand style steamboat, can eat alone also (quite many people eat alone)

好吃的肉! 这但是要 MIX 在一起倒进去!
Meat and egg mix together and form delicious food~~

我的第一次, 不知道怎样吃,所以问他们. 他们就因为赶时间把肉,蘑菇统统倒完进去....然后滚了,就能吃! 不过当我第一口喝它的汤头就停不下口了!!! 意外的好吃! 很够味!
Dont know how to eat, so ask them to teach.....But they want to close shop already, so.....they straight away put in all the meat and mushroom. After that, wait the soup to boil and then can start eating. (VERY VERY DELICIOUS! next time come thailand sure will find this Jim Jum)

Guess what I'm Eating? lolx. 
泰式火锅 Jim Jum 一级棒! 会在回来吃!
Thailand style Steam Boat call Jim Jum and satay~
The shop located at here, walk straight from the night market and you can see the shop.

来到华欣时间真的过得好快, 转眼间就是最后一天了. 由于我们 11:00am 才 Check Out, 趁早上还有点时间就到处走走~ 不过还是要吃点早餐. 猜猜今天的早餐是什么?
Last day at Hua Hin, my check out time is around 11.00 am . So in the morning of cause find thing eat first before go to Bangkok.Today my breakfast is what? can guess when look at the picture?

猜猜是什么? Mini 油条 (外观跟马来西亚的不一样,但口感是一样)
Guess what is this? This our malaysia call "yao zha guai"
这样的粥 + 两样料才 20Bath!!
What!? Porridge only 20 Bath ?
吃了早餐就到处逛逛, 华欣火车站是历史悠久的一站. 华欣火车站里有古老的火车还有建筑物~
After breakfast, I just have time walk around my Hostel area, and go to visit the Hua Hin Railway station. A Historical Railway station.
以前的大门口, 现在还在
The Main Door 
You want to go where can buy ticket at here
火车轨道~ 远远还看到对面的旧火车
Historical railway road and there is a train opposite 
waiting for my train to come. The train still got pass by here.
Historical building.
在附近逛完后, 就回去宿舍整理着这几天的东西,然后搭上 Mini Van (180 Bath)出发到曼谷去, 整个车程3 小时, 有停一站给你休息~
After finished visit, It's time to go back pack my thing and go to bangkok by Mini Van which cost 180 Bath (3 hour).

Mini Van 的时间表
Mini Van Travel Time Table.
All the places in Hua Hin that I have visited.

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