Saturday, June 4, 2016

脚车游吴哥 Cycle around Angkor Wat

看到很多老外都骑着脚车游吴哥,所以决定要脚车一游吴哥~ 就走到附近的脚车店租脚车.看到一美元一整天(好便宜).就这样租下去了! 其实车游吴哥说难不难,说简单也不简单. 要看个人,也要看时间.
Have some new explode when travel to Cambodia. This time plan to cycle around Angkor Wat due to the bicycle rental is cheap for a day. It only cost about $1 from 5am - 9pm. Cycle to Angkor Wat is not hard nor easy. Say far but not far also. It need alot of time and strength. So need to be prepare if you plan to cycle around Angkor Wat.

一美元从 5am - 9pm (超便宜)
5am - 9pm $1 for 1 bicycle.
Which bicycle you like?

如果来到吴哥不妨试试脚车游(如果时间多的话~因为不可能一天脚车游能游完整个吴哥!)从Pub street骑到吴哥售票处只要沿着路直直骑去就到 (7-8km,大约一小时 ) ~ 这里的每票分三种. 一日游 ($ 20),3日游 ($ 40 )可在一星期里面用, 与 7日有$ 60)可在一个月里面用. 我买了三日游, 但只去了两天,浪费了一天.
I rent the bicycle near my hostel and cycle from pub street to Angkor Wat. Just cycle straight and you will see the entrance (Ticket sales) at your right side. There have 3 type of ticket which are 1 day pass costs $ 20, 3 days pass cost $ 40 (can visit 3 days or times in one week period) and 7 days pass costs $ 60 (can visit 7 days or times in one month period). I have buy a 3 dat pass which cast me $40. 

Cycle straight to Angkor Wat
Ticket Sales here.
买了三天的入门票 (还有照片的)~
3 Day Pass with my ugly picture.
After buy entrance ticket, It's time to explode Angkor Wat. Cycle around 10 min straight you will see a lake infront of you. Then turn left and cycle pass the Angkor Thom South Gate. 

Angkor Thom South Gate
一路骑去就到 Angkor Thom 吴哥大城. 这里也被称为“微笑高棉”因为内有48个微笑巨大佛面. 这里包含凯旋门(Thommanom),巴戎/百茵庙(Bayon), 巴本(Bapuon),空中殿阁 (Phimeanakas),大象台 (Elephant terrance),审判塔 (Prasats Suor Prat),癩王台 (Terrance of Leper King)。
Cycle straight again you will reach Angkor Thom. Here have many place to visit once you stop at Angkor Thom. Such as, Thommanon, Bayon, Bapuon, Phimeanakas, Elephant Terrance, Prasats Suor Prat and Terrance of Leper King all around Angkor Thom.

Angkor Thom
Snap every thing.
忙着看历史故事 (因为没导游)
Need to do some angkor study due to no tour guide.

Impress with the building.
走5min 就来到 Bayon 巴戎庙,这里每一座塔的四面都刻有Jayavarman VII 的微笑 . 在这里你能拍到你笑~ *呵呵* (太多脸了不知道要拍那一个~) 
After that walk 5 min, you will reach Bayon which there have many Jayavarman VII's smile. You can find the smile and snap picture? *Hehe*

Since you smile, So I kiss.

下一站就是Baphuon 巴本宫, 这里可以爬到最高处看低处 (要有心理准备,因为很高! 老人家不建议爬)
Walk few min again, you will reach Baphuon. At here you can walk up the stair. But the stair is quite high. Although it's high, the view below is very nice!! (Old people are not recommended to go up)

Look down

The stair is high

再来就是 Elephants Terrace 斗象台. 以前这里每一年都会举行斗象大会, 如果胜利,有机会成为国王的坐骑! 在这里没有拍到很多相,因为"象"不多. *哈哈* 
Walk a few min, you will reach Elephants Terrace. Didnt take much photo, only a few picture because the elephant almost gone. All being renovate.
Elephants Terrace

观光完 Angkor Thom,是时候开始骑到 Ta Prohm 塔普伦庙去看看古树。 知名电影 <<古墓奇兵>>在这里取景哦! Angelina Jolie 在这里拍戏!
After finished walk around Angkor Thom, is time to start my cycle tour to Ta Prohm around (30 min). This place is popular due to the movie << Tomb Raider - Angelina Jolie >> .

see candle?
Tired and have some rest looking at the tree. 
这里的树出名~lolx. 因为电影的魅力!
This tree is so popular now!
休息后就直接骑到 Pre Roup 变身塔 去看看与其它不一样的建筑物. 这次的建筑物爬上去比较恐怖,没有手扶的哦! (老人家建议在下面看就好, 上面没什么东西看). 在这里遇到了一位从中国来的林先生,交谈一会儿, 还请了我吃这里出名的海底耶 (为了请我吃,我还得与他的摩多车赛跑..... ><)~
Next station is Pre Roup. The building is different from previous one and the stair here is damn dangerous. (Old people recommended stay below, up there have nothing to see. the door all close. )

Looking the sky
然后想要骑去Angkor Wat, 在骑回来的路程会经过Srah Srang 大概(10 分钟). 然后是  Prasat Bat Chum 巴琼寺 (20 min), 再来是Prasat Kravan荳蔻寺 (30 min) 才到Angkor Wat (45 min).
To cycle back from Pre Roup to Angkor Wat. You need to pass by Srah Srang (10 min) >  Prasat Bat Chum (20 min) > Prasat Kravan (30 min) > then only reach Angkor Wat (45 min) .

经过 Srah Srang.
Pass By Srah Srang
Pass by Prasat Bat Chum
Pass by Prasat Kravan

Angkor Wat
去泰国没有泰国人跟我拍照, 在Cambodia,居然有泰国人要和我拍.....*炸到*
Nice view~~

这里的建筑物很让我惊叹!! 以前人的一点一滴心血换来的是如此的值得留恋! 如果想要脚踏车游吴哥,建议2 天游(我是这样游的). 不过没有走到完~ 只是去几个靠近的地方罢了!
Impress by the building at here so much!! Recommended 2 day cycle around Angkor Wat (I have done it in 2 day). But did not visit all, just few places around Angkor Wat. Bur before coming, please train abit, if not you will feel tired.

Map around Angkor Wat

Rate : 9 / 10

更多详情 For More Information

 Angkor Wat

地址 Address   : 
Angkor Wat, Angkor Archaeological Park, Siem Reap

Operation time : 5.00 am - 6.30pm

门票 Entrence Fee :  1日票 1day Pass ($20) ,  3 日票 3day Pass ($40), 7 日票 7day Pass($60)

交通 Transport : 脚车 Bicycle

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