Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sekeping Serendah玻璃屋两天一夜游 Getaway to Sekeping Serendah Glass House

难得久久才跟朋友办一次的短短旅行, 就这样我们今年决定去 Sekeping Serendah 的玻璃屋 两天一夜 游玩. 这里跟城市隔离很远, 还没有信号......让我有点寂寞, 因为不能第一时间炫耀. *哈哈*
It's a short getaway trip with few of my friend. This place is so deep inside the jungle. I feel quite lonely in the jungle without my internet because I cant share my happiness with my friend and family. BY THE WAY, PLEASE DONT FOLLOW THE GPS! will bring you to other place.

1 楼 = 客厅与厨房
2 楼 = 睡房
Outdoor view
1st floor = living room + kitchen
2nd floor = bed room

我们五个人预订了一间玻璃屋. 由于我们星期日到,所以4个人的房价要 RM 550 + 多一个人 RM50. 所以一共要 RM600.  一间玻璃屋最多能容纳6个人 (我觉得可以睡多3 个),但不能带多过, 因为他们会检查! (管理员会在外面看守, 加碳的时候, 打扫的时候 和经过的时候)
We book our room at RM 550 due to it's Sunday for 4 person, and plus extra 1 more friend is RM50. So total is RM 600. This room maximum can have 6 people, they will always come and check the people. (but i feel can fix in 3 more people)

Glass Shed 2 room rate + terms and conditions.
玻璃屋设备 House Provide
- BBQ 用具 BBQ Utility(碳 Carbon,碟 plate,杯 cup,刀 knife,叉 fork,汤匙 spoon, 夹子 Clip,剪刀 Scissors,烤针 Roasted Needle )
- 蚊帐 Mosquito net
- 蚊香 Mosquito repellent
- 风扇 fan
- 纸巾/ 厕纸 Tissue
- 衣架 cupboard
- 肥皂 shower soap, conditional, shampoo
- 咖啡, 茶 Milo, Coffee, Tea
- 厨房用具 kitchen Utility(冰箱 Refrigerator , 微波炉 microwave,电水煲 kettle,瓦斯炉 Gas Cooker,锅 Pot ,切板 Cutting Board)

建议带 Recommend to bring
- 剪刀/ 刀 (personal think the knife is not shape enough)
- 毛巾 Towel
- 牙膏, 牙刷,  洗脸霜,  梳子 Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Comb
- 泳衣 Swimming suit
- 除蚊贴 Mosquito repellent
- 娱乐 像是 扑克牌等Entertainment (card, board game more)

Living Room

这真是可以亲近大自然的地方, 它的厕所有够开放式的! 可以看到完! 如果胆小的人就可以不用冲凉了~ 像我这样大胆的,当然要体验下开放式的厕所~ *呵呵*
The Toilet is too open to nature, I fell shy when I have my bath. All the three are looking at you. *lolx* If suddenly got people pass by, he/she can look through.....

冲凉的时候要小心! 不然很容易被看光光!!
Open air toilet
来到这里当然是要拍些照留恋! 不过这间玻璃屋不建议带小孩来! 因为没有围栏! 很容易跌下去! 如果不怕死的, 可以做几个以下的危险动作~ *哈哈*
But at first, let me take a selfie ~ around the house area they have no any wall beside, so be careful when you bring children come.

I can fall down easily if  I'm careless
Why here no signal?? 
At the bed room emo-ing because cant find any signal.
拍完所有危险动作戏后, 当然是开始准备烧烤咯~ 在这里不是露营,所以不必起火. 您只要跟工作人员说您几点要 BBQ, 那工作人员 到时间就会来帮您起火了!
Finished my photo shooting section and emoing section, is time to prepare our BBQ ingredient : Fish Ball, Mushroom, Chicken Wing, Ham, Potato, Tomato, Fruite, Hotdog, Cheese, Shrimp, Fish, Sources, Butter, Honey and more. The fire is set up after we have finished preparing the BBQ ingredient. (You dont need to set up the fire, the worker will set it up. You just need to tell them what time you need to have BBQ.)
Time to BBQ

BBQ with him all the time. *lolx*
没有信号的日子, 自拍就是最好的娱乐!
No internet make us crazy selfie
we are so kawaii

sleep like a dead man!
Wake up early morning prepare for treasure hunt
Let's the Pillow fight begin!
现在才知道我有多细长 *吐*
My leg is LONG 

Hmm.... what to do now? Here dont have any line.... Very Boring....

Walking around to find some entertainment

在森林走走~寻找信号! *哈哈*
Walking around the place, some place will have line signal. You need to search~ *Haha*

Small Glass House
Jump in to the swimming pool
这里的员工很像很勤劳! 他们会通知你 12 pm 你要check out. 12 点准准 就会来打扫. 我们刚刚好吃饱罢了就好像要赶我们走了!
The worker here is damn efficient. They will tell you need to check out on 12 pm. When reach 12 pm, they straight away come to your house and wait for cleaning up. We just finished our Breakfast + Lunch only. *SAD*

离开之后, 我们就到附近的瀑布走马看水~ *哈哈*
After that, we go to the nearest waterfall to play water.

Serendah Waterfall

这地方比较适合喜欢大自然的人~ 如果城市的人就会很辛苦~ 因为要到处找信号! *哈哈* (像我们,那里一有信号就一直站在哪里按手机)
For those nature lover, it is nice ~ for those city people, you will see they will hunt for line signer wherever they go.

RATE : 8/10

更多详情 For More Information :

地址 Address: Chalet, Jalan Ipoh, Kg Orang Asli, Serendah, Kuala Lumpur, KL

电话 Tel        : 012-324 6552

网页Website: www.sekeping.com/serendah/

This Map to Sekeping Serendah

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