我相信大家都看过台湾偶像剧 < 恶作剧之吻 >~ 今天就带大家到恶作剧之吻的其中一个拍摄景点 碧潭風景區 .建议两个以上的人来.
Every one got see taiwan drama < Itazurana Kiss >? Today come to one of the scene in the Itazurana Kiss - Bitan Lake. If can try to come with more than one people.
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大家有没有印象? 落水的桥段~在这里发生 Do you still remember? |
自己一人来到了这里~ 跟着路牌, 就这样到达了这里, 完全被这里的风景给迷住了啦! 一进碧潭就可以看到墙上很多砖块, 都是些普通的人画的艺术品哦~ 别有风味!
So, I follow my mood and come to this beautiful lake~ The view have attracted me to play at here.我只拍到一小部分罢了~ 还有很长的一段哦 Small street art. Draw by many different normal people. |
就这样走着下来~ 吹吹凉凉又冷冷的风~觉得这世界是多么的美好啊! 这里的风景优美, 适合情侣来的地方. 在这里到处都是一对对的情侣, 不管男女恋,男男恋,女女恋都可以在这里看到~ 而我比较奇怪点, 一个人恋(其实我是去破毁情侣们的感情 * 呵呵*). 还有学生也是很多在这里翘课~ *哈哈*Here got many activity, you can rent a bike to ride here and rent a boat to go around the lake. But I choose to use my "bus no. 11". For boat, there is no single people ride. While for bike, i prefer my leg. There are many couple come here to dating. I saw boy boy love while I resting at corner. (Feel so geli, but I have open my eye.)
不错吧~ 这景色! Nice view rite? |
在 < 恶作剧之吻 > 偶像剧里, 男女租主角都租双人船来踩, 所以让我有种想玩玩看的感觉. 但我在那价钱班长没有看到 "一个人" 的字眼! 就只有 2个人,3个人,4 个人,5 个人价钱表.... 想建议下, 下次请 promote 下单身船 *哈哈*. 所以没有办法的只好到吊桥上玩. 我有个习惯,我喜欢站在吊桥上跳. 这吊桥还不赖,蛮稳的. 在吊桥上拍了许多的照片. 我只能说, 一个人旅行就是没有自己的照片....可惜. 走到对面可以到附近走走, 没有发现什么, 只有美食罢了.Here got suspension bridge on the lake, so I come up to have a few run here.*hehe*. On the opposite side, there have many road side food to buy~ so I just buy some hot dog to eat.
我尝试走到对面街买条香肠吃 The suspension bridge |
桥上的风景另有风味 The view from the suspension bridge |
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走累了,休息以下, 也帮自己留张美丽的照片留恋 This is the corner that I saw boy boy love. |
个人旅行是件很不错的事~ 不用赶来赶去,不用等来等去~ 想去哪里就去哪里~ 想吃什么就吃什么,统统自己安排,多自由啊!! 不过唯一的坏处就是不能把自己拍在风景里..因为没人帮你拍...所以,很多照片都没有我.... 不过, 有时可以叫旁边的人帮你拍张照~ 不然有些看到你可怜,自己帮自己拍,就会问你有需要帮忙拍照吗? 哈哈~
Travel alone is a good discover for me, you no need to wait for each other, no need to take care each other, no need to rush for the place to meet each other. You only need to do is, sleep until wake up naturally, go where the place you need to go without planning, take care my own self only. But the bad things is you cant have a photo of you self in every scenery. But who care, now if you dare open your mouth, got people sure will help you take photo~
RATE = 9/10
潭風景區 Bitan Lake
Address 地址 :新北市新店區新店路
Operation Time 营业时间 :全天開放 all day
Entrance Fee 门票 :Free
Entrance Fee 门票 :Free
Transport 交通 :搭捷運至新店站,出站後往新店碧潭吊橋方向步行約3分鐘。
Go out xindian station, walk straight and you will see the signboard writing Bitan Lake (3 min)
Go out xindian station, walk straight and you will see the signboard writing Bitan Lake (3 min)
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