Thursday, November 3, 2016

云來观景台看拜县的中国村 YunLai View Point Look China town in Pai

Bring my father go backpack travel

云来观景台位于拜县中国村的最高山顶上. 想要到达这里没有那么容易, 需翻山越个岭才能到达 (形容得有点夸张~) 不过需越过45度超斜的斜坡.  还好我租的车马力够让我顺利越过~
Yun Lai view point located on top of the mountain at china town village (Pai). To get to here, it's not so easy, you need to pass through the 45 degree slope hill. Luckily the car that I rent is able to let me pass through the slope hill. But anywhere, if you want to come here, make sure your transport CC is BIG! if not, you need to climb the mountain with your transport.

这里出名清晨6点看日出和云海, 但因为我们不是住在拜县, 所以从清迈一路开往拜县已经下午了. 这里需要20 Bath入门票, 不过一包括 茶与水果。所以可以在这里慢慢喝茶看风景, 没限时~ 我到达这里没有香蕉吃,所以他们给多我一壶茶。 因为是中国村的关系, 很多在这里居住的人都会说华语 (沟通方便多了)
See sunrise is popular at this place, but due to we stay at chiang mai and need to travel to pai. So we miss the sunrise and reach here around afternoon. Yun lai view point need entry free about 20Bath including tea and banana. Mean you can sit at here enjoy the view of the sunrise / china town village with some food and drink (It's reasonable). When I reach here, the banana already finished, I only can drink tea.....The people at china town all can speak Chinese, which we can communicated well with them.
入门票 = 20 Bath
Entry Fee = 20 Bath
They provide quite alot of tea
没有茶了还能 Refill 热水
no water can refill

The afternoon view here

除了喝茶坐位, 还有几个地方让你和风景拍照~
beside place the sit, they also have some place for you to photoshooting

Rate : 7 / 10

更多详情 More Information

云來观景台  YunLai View Point

地址 Address                         :  拜县城中心 夜丰颂府拜县渊泰地区
营业时间 Operating Hours : 24 hr (Sunrise 6.00am)
门票 Entry Fee                       : 20 Bath
交通 Transport                       : 沿拜县医院Pai Hospital的主路向东行驶约5公里处,途中可路过中国村再继续前行约700米,山坡较陡,可以将车停在山下,步行上山 (骑摩托车或者自行车前往,摩托车租金约为150B/天 ) Drive along  Pai Hospital road and you will pass by China Town village, continue straight about 700m, you will see a slope hill quite high, go up the hill and you have reach.