Saturday, July 2, 2016

兰卡威三天两夜 Langkawi 3 Day 2 Nigth

3 D 2 N expenses
如何到兰卡威 How to go to Langkawi:
其实到兰卡威有很多方法~ 而我选择了搭飞机,因为当时 Air Asia 有 RM79 来回~ 所以就这样买了机票.
Actually there are many different way to travel to Langkawi. But I choose to take Air Asia to there because the price is only at RM79 (Round Trip) to Langkawi.

交通篇 Transport in Langkawi : 
在兰卡威, 你可以租车环岛. 到处走走,停停,看看~ 3 天2 夜用了大概 RM 25 的车油.
At Langkawi, you can rent a car to travel around the island. I have use RM 25 petrol to travel for 3Day 2 Night.

这里有几种方法可以租车~ There are few method to rent a car in Langkawi.

1) 到了机场, 你可以看到很多租车档在拉人 (比较便宜,七人车有 promotion 才RM 150/day )
When you reach Airport, you can go to one of the booth to rent a car (Please compare the price only decide where to rent,the cheapest for seven people's car got promotion at RM 150/day )
2) 上网租车 Go online for booking / rent a car

3) 找认识的人租车 (我们原本租Toyota Innova 七人车 ,RM250 但因为他们没有车 Upgrade我们到 Mitsubishi Grandish 一天, Toyota Vellfire 一天 *爽*
If you know someone there who rent a car, you can call them and book. (We actually rent a Toyota Innova for RM250 but they dont have the car, so they upgrade us to Mitsubishi Grandish for one day, another day is Toyota Vellfire.