Saturday, June 18, 2016

拜縣峽谷好刺激 Scary Pai Canyon

Pai Canyon
拜縣峽谷是拜縣的其中一个景点. 它的特别点就是刺激, 所以就来这里看看. 因为是大热天,所以很少人来到这里.不过要到这拜縣峽谷需走5分钟到达山上.
Pai Canyon is one of the spot to travel in Pai, The main attraction of this place is exciting. Why ? Let come and see the picture. Due to the weather is hot, less people is coming here. So, it's the opportunity for me to snap as much picture as I can! But before reach to the top, we need to walk 5 minute to reach the point.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

恋爱咖啡馆 Coffee in Love at Pai

在拜县如果想喝咖啡,可以到恋爱咖啡馆来喝杯咖啡,看看风景~ 泰国影片 《爱在拜城》在这拍摄,黄色小屋也是专为这部电影而建 (没得进去只能在外拍). 也因为这样,所以这里一炮而红!
If you need some coffee in pai, you can come to Coffee in Love for a cup of coffee or tea. Here become popular due to a movie <<Love in Pai>> where the yellow small house is build because of the movie. Not because of the movie, the view and environment here is also very beautiful. You can have some rest with some nice view in pai and have some pai coffee.

Yellow small house. (Not in thailand feel~~)

脚车游吴哥 Cycle around Angkor Wat

看到很多老外都骑着脚车游吴哥,所以决定要脚车一游吴哥~ 就走到附近的脚车店租脚车.看到一美元一整天(好便宜).就这样租下去了! 其实车游吴哥说难不难,说简单也不简单. 要看个人,也要看时间.
Have some new explode when travel to Cambodia. This time plan to cycle around Angkor Wat due to the bicycle rental is cheap for a day. It only cost about $1 from 5am - 9pm. Cycle to Angkor Wat is not hard nor easy. Say far but not far also. It need alot of time and strength. So need to be prepare if you plan to cycle around Angkor Wat.

一美元从 5am - 9pm (超便宜)
5am - 9pm $1 for 1 bicycle.
Which bicycle you like?