来到暹粒,就直接到暹粒假日花园旅馆. 这里距离热闹的酒吧不远,只需步行7分钟就到. 但离柬埔寨边界满远, 需 2-3 个小时的车程. 这里的房间很大! 价钱也很公道, 一个人大约 USD 5 ~没有包早餐....不过可以到附近的餐馆吃. 这里的餐馆都有游客价,与当地人价. 所以我不大喜欢....
In Siem Reap, I stay in this villa for 4 day 3 night. Siem Reap Holiday Garden is quite near to Pub Street, you only need to walk 7 min. But it quite far from the boarder of siem reap, need drive 2- 3 hour only can reach. This place is big~ the room also big and the price is around USD 5 per pax no include breakfast. So you can have breakfast at the restaurant near here.