Wednesday, January 6, 2016

坦纳洛海神庙美丽的黄昏景色 Tanah Lot Beautiful Sunset View

I already fall in love with the scenery here.
坦纳洛海神庙据说在岩石底部,有守护此庙宇的毒海蛇,防止恶灵和入侵者的骚扰,此外,还有一条从Nirartha的围巾变成的大蛇保护着,所以坦纳洛海神庙在巴厘岛很出名一下~ 它的景色有如画一般,很漂亮! (我很喜欢). 尤其是日落时分的海神庙,黄昏的日落光照射下再加上海浪凶猛的拍打着海岸, 激起千层浪,景色很壮观!!
The best known and most photographed temple in Bali, Tanah Lot. This temple symbolizes the meeting point of natural and cosmic elements and also famous for its magnificent sunsets. At the base of the rocky island, venomous sea snakes are believed to guard the temple from evil spirits and intruders. The temple is purportedly protected by a giant snake which was created from Nirartha's selendang when he established the island.

Friday, January 1, 2016

到南湾海滩挑战各种沙滩活动~ Enjoying all Beach Activity at Tanjung Benoa

Tanjung Benoa

来到南湾海滩,看到了很多很多的沙滩活动!! 就不管三七二十一~ 选了几样我很想要挑战的游戏! 首先选了拖伞 (大约20美元), 再来就是水上高速滑水 (大约25 美元) 再附加浮浅 (大约30 美元). 大概花了 马币两百多块来玩~~ 我的水上活动比较刺激, 我朋友不喜欢刺激,所以他们选了到岛上看海龟~~
Tanjung Benoa is one of my place to go~ Here have many water spot activity, you can choose what you like. I have choose 3 activity to play here which are parasailing (around $20) + Jet Ski (around $25) + Diving (around $30). These activity I wanted to play the most.  Some of my friend take other package, they didn't not like extreme activity, so they go to turtle island to see turtle~~